Friday Find: Scented Macaron Coin Purse

Macaron{Scented Macaron Coin Purse in Orange, Fred Flare}

1. Macarons are amazingly delicious.

2. You can never have enough tiny pouches.

3. These are scented, y’all.

4. I ate a mango macaron once and my lips swelled up. That’s how I found out I’m allergic to mangoes.

Have the most amazing Friday ever!

DIY: Kiss Kiss Canvas

Image c/o The Warhol

Image c/o The Warhol

My favorite things to add to my home are typically one of a kind. My budget, however, doesn’t allow for such frivolity. Though every time I find something, I usually talk myself out of it. Where would I put this amazingly amazing little bird candle holder? That effortless-looking, quirky-cool-accouterments that somehow all fit together is what I’m constantly trying to achieve. I particularly struggle with art (and not just the actual hanging stuff up in a straight line).

Some of the most inspiring artists for me are Pablo Picasso (by far mi favorito), Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Andy Warhol, the creator of the above. All a little out there, I know, but I think what I like so much about this group and others like them is that whatever piece it is can’t rationally be explained.

Typically when people see something that they don’t understand they respond with, “Why is that art? My kid could do that.” Well, I don’t have a kid so I take a more passionate, emotional approach mostly because I am admittedly severely and hopelessly deficient when it comes to the actual academic side of art. I wonder what possessed him or her to have to create this and exactly this. And why at that moment did they look at it and say, “Yes, this is it“?

I have also been lucky enough in my lifetime to see many of these artists’ works in person. The exhibits I geek out for most are typically of Pablo Picasso. When I was in Madrid studying abroad, a few of my classmates and I went to Museo Reina Sofia one afternoon. It was very close to our apartment and a beautiful, sunny day. After taking a turn about most of the museum, we came to where Picasso’s Guernica was displayed. For years I had seen it in my Spanish textbooks gloomily depicting the bombing of the city of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War in 1937 (Okay, history lesson over. But c’mon, for those of you that took a Spanish class or two, you’re with me, right?). Then when I was finally standing in front of it, it took my breath away (literally.) It was giant! It was all I could do to just simply stand in awe of it with the other onlookers from all over the world.

Another big moment for me happened that day when after the museum I had my first and only Big Mac.

So after all that non-sense, I am here to tell you that you can make your own works of art despite having only one credit hour of 7th grade Introduction to Art. I was recently inspired by Andy Warhol’s Lips (Stamped). The femininity of pinks and the lips very much appeal to me.

All you will need for this is a blank canvas, easily acquired at Michael’s, a pencil, a black, fine-tipped permanent marker (to sign your masterpiece!), and your favorite lip glosses or lipsticks in varying colors. Make sure to have a partially damp washcloth to wipe your smoochers for new applications.

Lip TreatmentsI applied my first color and then kissed the top left corner. From there, I very lightly marked seven dots in a vertical line with my pencil to make sure that I evenly spaced out the rows. Then I just went about my business placing various colors of lips in accordance to where they landed in the Warhol work. I would recommend making at least three prints with one color before wiping it off and choosing another. Be careful not to smudge as your canvas starts to get full. And don’t worry if it doesn’t look exactly right or a flaw pops up. It’s art and it can look however you gosh-darn please.

At the end of it all, take your permanent marker and ink your signature in the bottom right corner. Et voilá!

Screen Shot 2013-02-25 at 11.46.05 AMC’est magnifique!

What other famous works of art are worth DIY-ing?

Girl Crush: Mindy Kaling

Image c/o Scribd

Image c/o Scribd

Recently I finished reading Gillian Flynn’s Sharp Objects (not, I repeat, NOT a book for those that are easily disturbed and/or can’t make it through an entire episode of Law & Order: SVU), and looking for something a little…lighter to occupy myself on my bus ride to work. Mindy Kaling’s Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (and Other Concerns) fit the bill.

Now usually I have my hands full with my gym duffle and my coffee, so reading on the bus isn’t a daily activity and with this particular book, I tend to want to laugh out loud and we all know that that isn’t proper bus etiquette. The train to and from Milwaukee, however, is primetime…time.

Image c/o NPR

Image c/o NPR

What I have found through reading her book is that 1) she’s hilarious and 2) we would be amazing friends. I was already a fan of hers from her time as a writer, producer and co-star on The Office, but now it is just cemented. Her new show The Mindy Project is on FOX and, while I would laugh from time to time, I was having trouble getting into it. Since diving into the book, I’ve realized she talks exactly the way she writes and that is directly translated onto the small-screen. My appreciation has bloomed.

Even reading her blog posts right now makes me feel like I’m reading something that I would write. I/we/she am/are/is so funny! Don’t confuse this for me thinking that “I could be a writer and famous like Mindy!” Nah. I’m more concerned with how I will stop myself from not eating these three boxes of Girl Scout cookies I came into today. I feel like she would support me in just devouring them now and getting it over with. I’ll dedicate a box of Thin Mints to you, girl.

Going for the Gold

Image c/o IKEA and A Different View

I am a crafter at heart. I love seeing something that I think is fabulous and then trying to imagine how to recreate it at a lower cost. There’s something about making it my own that really draws me to want to use my hands. One such project that is currently taking place (at a glacial pace) is a grey and white chevron backdrop for my TV.

The idea came to me when I realized how annoyed I was with all of the exposed wires. Once I hang up my creation this week, I’ll be sure to post it here. I have made a promise to myself to not start this new project that I will describe to you below until I finish said TV backdrop. My apartment is finally in a semi-normal state and I don’t want to indulge my crafting ADD any more than I already am.

So where did I get my brilliantly shiny plan? I was surfing through a post on The Glitter Guide about great ideas for your home office. Granted, I live in a studio so my living space is many spaces in one. My “home office” is a desk and chair by the window. Thus, a multi-functional space calls for multi-functional furniture. Long ago (so like, last week) I decided that the final empty space in my apartment would be best suited by a storage/bookcase structure. When I saw the two images below, my brain had a moment and I knew I had found my answer!

Images c/o The Glitter Guide and Bryn Alexandra

Do you get it yet? No? Okay, I’ll break it down. The Glitter Guide (on zee left) told me, “Being organized is beautiful and you can do it with sweet baskets.” Bryn Alexandra (on yer right) told me, “There’s this gorgeous new line at IKEA that could make all your dreams come true.” I said, “Sold, but – roadblock – that IKEA bookshelf is ugly black brown and I need it to be in gold.” Luckily, my inner crafting goddess said none too soon, “Just do it.”

So soon my painting-IKEA-furniture-gold adventure begins. I am not sure how long it will take or how much I will hate myself for deciding to do it because IKEA furniture is like rocket science to put together in the first place. Good luck, me!

Have You Laughed Today?

Image c/o Pinterest

No, I don’t mean to refer to the Babybel cheese slogan. But while we’re on the topic, I don’t know why someone would laugh while eating cheese. Although, I have been laughed at for dipping my finger ever so delicately into the nacho cheese after all of the nachos are gone.

I digress. This work week has been particularly hectic with a big, big meeting looming in the very near future. People are scrambling around to make things happen, which is not good for stress levels, which directly (negatively) affects my waistline since I am infamously known for stress eating. The latter is on a particularly slippery slope with all of the Easter holiday candy at my immediate disposal. And I’m so close to my goal weight! Must…press..ONWARD! (Pops toffee in mouth)

I needed a laugh/some inspiration today and I found it. I feel better. I hope you can pull through for just one point five more days until the weekend! And for those of you that have to work over the weekend…I wish I could say something inspirational for you [here]. And for those of you that do not work…I just- everyone have a good weekend, okay?!

Image c/o Brit

I could absolutely see myself making these PB+J Sushi Rolls one day. My peanut butter to jelly ratio is about 3:1 so adding more fruit will only help. Swap out the peanut butter and jelly with Nutella? Oh, the possibilities!

Image c/o Life

This photo is of Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly at the 1956 Oscars. I’ve been feeling particularly retro after starting Season 1 of Mad Men this month. These two women are style icons and just so beautiful. They remind me of my dear, Kate Middleton. (Audible sigh)

Finally, my laugh of the day. I emitted a singular loud “HA!” when I saw it. Chunky doggy…

Image c/o Pinterest

Sad Mac

My technological self got turned upside down this week. But first, the clip above is a gem (remember those Mac laptops? I wanted one so badly). This is pretty much how I reacted when it all went down and interacted with the cable tech when he came to my apartment the next morning, minus a bf around to make me freak out more.

You see, my cable went out on Tuesday. Not a big deal because I shouldn’t even have TV as part of my package as I have only been watching Netflix for 3 weeks (I am probably going to get rid of cable after this experience). I called the cable company and they said there was an outage in my area. Okay, fine, whatever, I have Netflix.

Wednesday eve rolls around and I boot up my little Roku and the internet is out. GAH! I call again to say the cable AND the internet are out. Apparently the outage had been fixed so my problems became isolated. The tech was scheduled to come out to see what’s up the next morning. I was in deep despair until about 8:30 when I realized that I possessed a perfectly functioning DVD player. Salvation. Later I got to thinking, when did I become so dependent on technology? It’s quite sad really.

(I built an entire baker’s rack before he got there and) After approximately 10 minutes of looking at my cable he said there was nothing he could do. Now the people in the rig have to come out an fix it on Monday morning.

Image c/o Robot Monkeys

Fortunately, I am not going to be in my apartment very much this weekend so I won’t be plagued with deciding between finishing my taxes, finding a solution to replacing my new desk that arrived damaged sans personal vehicle transportation, or (gasp) exercising, or (gasp gasp) reading a book!

This week is good and done as far as I’m concerned. I was without my better half all week (returns from vacay today!!!) and as Lent is drawing to a close I am getting more and more stressed out about not being able to shop. I know it sounds insane, but I am seriously cracking under the no-spending pressure.

So three things before you go:

1. If you haven’t seen this certain Tumblr yet, you’re missing out. I saw this one today and, for me, it couldn’t be more true.

2. I can’t wait to shop. I can’t wait to shop. I can’t wait to shop. I can’t wait to shop. I can’t wait to shop. I can’t wait to shop. I can’t wait to shop. I can’t wait to shop. I can’t wait to shop. I can’t wait to shop. I can’t wait to shop.

3. Have a fabulous weekend!